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title라우팅 종류

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AKKA:라우팅 전략
AKKA:라우팅 전략

클러스터 탑재하기

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Code Block
akka {
	remote {
		log-remote-lifecycle-events = debug
        dot-netty.tcp {
            port = 7000
			hostname =

	actor {
		provider = cluster
		deployment {
			/cluster-roundrobin {
				router = round-robin-pool # routing strategy
				#routees.paths = ["/user/clustermsg"]
				nr-of-instances = 500 # max number of total routees
				cluster {
					enabled = on
					allow-local-routees = on
					use-role = akkanet
					max-nr-of-instances-per-node = 20

	cluster {
        seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://actor-cluster@"] # address of seed node
        roles = ["akkanet"] # roles this member is in
        auto-down-unreachable-after = 300s
		debug {
			verbose-heartbeat-logging = off
			verbose-receive-gossip-logging = off


  • actor.privider = cluster : 해당 액터들을 클러스터로 사용하겠다.
  • cluster-roundrobin.cluster.user-role = akkanet : 라운드로빈방식으로 akkanet 을 가지면 
  • cluster.seed-nodes : 등대역활 지정
  • cluster.roles : 자신이 가져야할 롤 지정

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