Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

WSL(2)을 이용하면 윈도우에서 리눅스 개발환경을 탑재하고 리눅스 기반 도커로 이용할수 있습니다.

단점으로 리눅스 OS가 C드라이브를 차지하면서 OS가 사용해야할 드라이브공간이 가득차게되며

리눅스 업데이트인 apt update라도  수행하면 용량이 증가하게됩니다.

대안으로 데이터가 충분한 특정 드라이브를 옮길수 있습니다.

Code Block
Set-StrictMode -Version latest;

function Cleanup()
    # Remove temporary file
    Write-Host "Cleaning up ...";
    Remove-Item -ErrorAction Ignore $tempFile;

# function to get distros
function Get-Distros()
    # wsl seems to output Unicode always. When parsing results in PowerShell it will try to convert
    # to Unicode strings (again) assuming it's in the Console.OutputEncoding code page (437 in my case).
    # This causes incorrect results. We are forcing Console.OutputEncoding to be Unicode here
    # to avoid the unnecessary conversion.
    $consoleEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding;
    [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode;
    $result = wsl -l -v | ConvertFrom-String -PropertyNames SELECTED, NAME, STATE, VERSION | Select-Object -Skip 1;
    [Console]::OutputEncoding = $consoleEncoding;

    return $result;

# get and make sure there are distros
Write-Host 'Getting distros...';
$distros = @(Get-Distros);
$distroList = @($distros | ForEach-Object { $_.NAME });
if ($distroList.Length -le 0)
    Write-Error 'No distro found';
    Exit 1;

# prompt and get the distro to move
Write-Host "Select distro to move:";
$id = 0;
$distroList | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "$($id+1): $($distroList[$id])" -ForegroundColor Yellow; $id++; }
$selected = [int](Read-Host);
if (($selected -gt $distroList.Length) -or ($selected -le 0))
    Write-Error "Invalid selection. Select a distro from 1 to $($distroList.Length)";
    Exit 1;
$distro = $distroList[$selected - 1];

# get target directory
Write-Host 'Enter WSL target directory:';
$targetFolder = Read-Host;

# check if the target folder is the root of a drive
if ($targetFolder.Length -le 3 -and $targetFolder.EndsWith(':\'))
    Write-Error 'Target folder cannot be root of a drive';
    Exit 1;

$targetFolder = $targetFolder.trimend('\');

# confirm
$confirm = Read-Host "Move $($distro) to `"$($targetFolder)`"? (Y|n)";
if ($confirm -ne 'Y')
    Write-Error 'User canceled';
    Exit 1;

# Create target dir if non existent
if (-not(Test-Path $targetFolder))
    New-Item -Path $targetFolder -ItemType 'directory' | Out-Null;
    if (-not($?))
        Write-Error "Failed to create target folder `"$($targetFolder)`"";
        Exit 1;
} elseif (Test-Path (-join($targetFolder, "\ext4.vhdx")))
    Write-Error "Target folder already contains an ext4.vhdx file that will get overwritten. Aborting.";
    Exit 1;

# Export WSL image to tar file
$tempFile = Join-Path $targetFolder "$($distro).tar";
Write-Host "Exporting VHDX to `"$($tempFile)`" ...";
& cmd /c wsl --export $distro "`"$tempFile`"";
if (-not($? -and (Test-Path $tempFile -PathType Leaf)))
    Write-Error "ERROR: Export failed";
    Exit 2;

# Unregister WSL so we can register it again at new location
Write-Host "Unregistering WSL ..."
& cmd /c wsl --unregister $distro | Out-Null

# Importing WSL at new location
Write-Host "Importing $distro from $targetFolder..."
& cmd /c wsl --import $distro $targetFolder "`"$tempFile`"" --version $distros[$selected -1].VERSION;

# Validating
$newDistros = @(Get-Distros);
$newDistroList = @($newDistros | ForEach-Object { $_.NAME });
if ($newDistroList -notcontains $distro)
    Write-Error "Import failed. Distro not found. Export file at $tempFile";
    Exit 3;

if (-not(Test-Path "$($targetFolder)\ext4.vhdx") -And -not(Test-Path "$($targetFolder)\rootfs"))
    Write-Error "ERROR: Import failed. Target file/folder not found. Export file at $tempFile";
    Exit 4;


Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green;


  • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned : 권한에러날때 이 스크립트 실행